Nature over the last couple of weeks...
It's been rainy and we've been swamped often.

Had a few nice blue sky's as well.

Been seeing a lot of moths and butterfly's.

Mushrooms everywhere.

I think these look cool.

I really don't know if these next three are some
sort of critter eggs or something else because they
are different shapes and sizes.

Found this robin's egg (I think) yesterday.
Today it was broken open and empty.

Seen my first ever hummingbird a couple weeks ago.
Finally caught one with the camera.

This raccoon has been raiding the feeders.

Heavy growth of purple flowers in the front woods.

Pretty little white flowers on one of the fruit trees.
It's been rainy here and then hot and humid..I too have a raccoon, so I take the feeders in at night as I have had some destroyed and others walked off with. Nice series Squirrel.... Michelle
Wow, This was a fantastic post Chris. You have so much going on in your neck of the woods. So great that you caught the shot of the hummingbird. One thing I love about wet spell is the mushrooms and you took some good shots of them. Also love the flowers and all the shots for that matter. Cheers, Carver
Great series of photos! Was the egg abandoned? Great shot of the hummer. I am always trying to get a shot of the moths but they never stay still long enough. Great captures.
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